New England Barrel Co. Bourbon Finished in a Lord Hobo Stout Beer Cask

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NEW ENGLAND BARREL CO. - Bourbon Finished in a Lord Hobo Stout Beer Cask

Total maturation time, approx. 4 years, 3 months, Barrel #17-42

The barrel yielded 180 bottles.

56.9% abv, 750ML

The Drammers Boston chapter selected this barrel with NEBCO’s founder James Saunders up in Dover, New Hampshire. James sources their bourbon from a number of places, and this barrel he sourced from Green River Distilling (now owned by Bardstown Bourbon Co.). The distillery historically was owned by the Medley family for decades until the 1980s or so (Drammers Members also have access to 3 special single barrels from Medley Bros.). The Drammers Boston chapter have long been fans of NEBCO, and were proud to welcome founder James Saunders as their guest speaker for the first in person Boston meeting.

Tasting Notes: stout bomb on the nose, which gives way to milky way candy bars all day on the palate (think nougat, caramel, chocolate....

This release is only available to registered Members and Observers of Drammers Club - More Information at

Drammers Pick #77